TnT Guitars



The 3 Excuses People Use

Have you been wanting to learn the guitar? It seems that nowadays everyone wants to learn how to play the guitar. What makes the guitar so desirable? Perhaps it's because you can bring it along with you? Is it because it's basically a "one man band"? Perhaps because it gets you more attention from the opposite sex? With so many good reasons for wanting to learn the guitar it is very surprising how low the number of people actually learning the guitar really is. Then what is it that stops people from picking up that guitar and start learning to play?

I Don't Have Enough Time

Well, do you have at least a half hour per week and approximately 15 min/per day? In a matter of no time you could become an amazing guitarist. Many people that stuck to this schedule, eventually became excellent guitarists in just a year!

It's Too Difficult To Learn

I know. Playing the guitar might appear too difficult when you are just starting out. Yes!, the hardest stage is the very beginning. If you can get passed it, playing the guitar becomes very easy. In fact, it usually takes a month to build up the necessary calluses so that you can play chords without finger tip discomfort. Many students get over this awkward stage and end up practicing for longer periods of time. Not just to get better, but, because they have too much fun playing guitar. It is really not that difficult. As long as you make it through the first month.

Lessons Are Just Too Expensive

This used to be true about 15 years ago. Now there are about 4 different avenues you can go down. On line guitar lessons for beginners, & Guide books. You can also take guitar lessons at college. On line beginner guitar lessons are a great alternative for those that can't afford private instruction. After reviewing some of these online guitar lessons I found them to be of excellent quality. These lessons are also very inexpensive when compared to paying around $30/hr for private lessons. Just make sure to do your research before signing up for any of them. Not all of them offer high quality and you should only get those with proven track records for success. So enough with excuses already! Just go and play the guitar!